Sono uscite le prime recensioni di Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, ed ecco i voti delle stampe internazionali:

- The Daily Dot - 5/5
- Destructoid - 9/10
- EGMNOW - 9.5/10
- Examiner - 5/5
- Game Informer - 9.25/10
- GameSpot - 10/10
- GameTrailers - 9.3/10
- HobbyConsolas - 97/100
- - 10/10
- Kinda Funny Games - "Amazing"
- Kotaku (Pre-Review) - "The best Metal Gear yet"
- Metal Gear Informer - 10/10
- Polygon (Pre-Review) - 'Hideo Kojima's name featured dozens of times throughout'
- Press-Start - 9/10
- - 100/100
- Time Magazine - "Full Marks, Easy"
- USgamer (Pre-Review) - "An incredibly memorable game"
- YongYea - "A very easy contendor for game of the year"