Alla fine di ottobre, lo sviluppatore endrift ha rilasciato l'aggiornamento di mGBA 0.8.4.
Come promemoria, mGBA è un progetto software che emula un Game Boy, Game Boy Advance o Game Boy Color sviluppato per funzionare sulle seguenti piattaforme:
- PC Windows
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo Wii
- PlayStation Vita
- Nintendo Switch.
Il Progetto mGBA suddiviso per le varie piattaforme è depositato nella pagina ufficiale GitHub e condviso sotto licenza MLP2.0.
MGBA 0.8.4 CHANGELOG (in inglese):
Emulation fixes:
- GB Audio: Fix initial sweep state
- GB Audio: Fix deserializing audio channels 2 and 3
- GB Audio: Fix deserializing while audio was disabled (fixes
- GB Video: Fix drawing background when window is force-disabled by frontend
- GB, GBA Video: Copy disable flags when drawing scanlines in proxy when not blocking
- GBA Audio: Fix deserializing SOUNDCNT_L
- GBA Audio: Fix stereo in XQ audio
- GBA Audio: Fix volume/mute in XQ audio (fixes
- GBA Hardware: Fix GB Player detection on big endian platforms
- GBA Video: Invalidate map cache when modifying BGCNT (fixes
- GBA Video: Don't draw sprites using unmapped VRAM in GL renderer (fixes
- GBA Video: Fix rare regression blending semitransparent sprites (fixes
- GBA Video: Do not affect OBJ pixel priority when writing OBJWIN (fixes
- GBA Video: Fix deferred blending when OBJWIN matches window (fixes
- GBA Video: Fix mode 4 transparency in OpenGL (fixes
Other fixes: - 3DS: Redo video sync to be more precise
- 3DS: Fix crash with libctru 2.0 when exiting
- ARM Decoder: Fix decoding pre-indexed writeback instructions (fixes
- Core: Fix reported ROM size when a fixed buffer size is used
- Core: Fix memory leak loading ELF files
- GBA: Disable more checks when loading GS save with checks disabled (fixes
- GBA: Fix endianness issues in renderer proxy
- GBA Core: Fix memory leak when loading symbols
- GBA Serialize: Ensure program counter is aligned when loading
- Qt: Add dummy English translation file (fixes
- Qt: Fix Battle Chip view not displaying chips on some DPI settings
- Qt: Fix camera image being upside-down sometimes (fixes again)
- Qt: Fix drawing on macOS break when using OpenGL (fixes
- Qt: Fix stride changing when toggling SGB borders (fixes
- Qt: Fix aliasing on background logo (fixes
- mGUI: Fix closing down a game if an exit is signalled
- mGUI: Fix cycling through config setting states with accept button
- mVL: Fix injecting accidentally draining non-injection buffer
- VFS: Fix directory node listing on some filesystems
Misc: - GBA Video: Improve speed of window texture generation on AMD
- Vita: Clear both buffers when loading a game
Pagina ufficiale GitHib di mGBA.
Questo articolo è stato importato da un acquisizione di ModdingStudio/NonSoloGaming, se riscontri problemi o vuoi segnalare qualcosa, contattaci