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Microsoft annuncia i nuovi Deals with Gold - Grandi sconti per Saints Row IV e Metro Redux

di Daniele Caluri Pubblicato il 23 febbraio 2016 16:05

Microsoft ha pubblicati i nuovi Deals with Gold,tra le offerte possiamo trovare Saints Row: Get out Hell, Metro Redux Bundle, Gears of War 3 e Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, di seguito potete trovare la lista completa:

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - 60%
Metro Redux Bundle - 75%
Metro Redux 2033 - 75%
Metro Redux Last Night - 75%
DBZ Xenoverse - 40%
BLOPS3 - 33%
BLOPS3 Delux - 20%
The Escapists - 67%
The Escapists Bundle - 57%

Metro 2033 - 75%
Metro: Last Light - 75%
Black Ops III Bundle - 40%
Saints Row IV - 75%
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - 70%
Saints Row: The Third - 75%
Saints Row 2 - 80%
Saints Row - 80%
Escape Dead Island - 80%
Dead Island - 80%
Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection - 67%
Gears of War 3 Season Pass - 67%


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