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Già in arrivo la patch 1.01 per Just Cause 3

di Daniele Caluri Pubblicato il 29 novembre 2015 11:35

Square Enix ha annunciato di pubblicare già questo fine settimana la patch 1.01 di Just Cause 3, in arrivo il primo dicembre su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One.

Quanto riportato da PCGamersN, la società si è vista costretta a rilasciare in anticipo la patch per la rottura del day one di diversi rivenditori.

Ecco il changelog completo della patch:

The Medician Department of Nature Conservation has pored over every inch of our beautiful island for cracks and removed them
The Medician Department of Motor Vehicles has taken measures to acquire poorly-tuned vehicles and burn them
Di Ravello’s Militia has been given a refresher course in combat and spatial awareness as per the General’s recent mandate
The Medician Department of Infrastructure has made some adjustments to certain roads to prevent traffic jams
Various stability/crash fixes
Various camera fixes
Various Havok destruction optimisations
Various localisation fixes and updates
Various worldsim improvements
Various minor mission bug fixes
Various minor challenge bug fixes
Fixed some various issues with Random Encounters
Various LoD optimisations
Various lighting optimisations
Various animation optimisations
Various level and EQ adjustments
Rebels riding along with Rico will now be less rude and not talk over each other
Fixed a few rare audio distortion issues involving destructible objects with lots of moving parts



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